Archive for October, 2012

Judicious Juicing

Juicing has become increasingly popular lately. People have started using it as a meal replacement or as a way to lose weight. However, there are some concerns when it comes to juicing. There is a misconception that it is healthier to use a juicer. Juicing may be beneficial if you rarely eat fruits and vegetables and need a way to get the many vitamins that they provide. But by juicing, you are not getting the fiber that you would get if you actually ate the vegetables. This fiber keeps you full, so you don’t feel the need to be reaching for a snack 30 minutes later. Think about it- you can juice 12 apples and drink it pretty easily. But how full would you be if you sat down and ate those 12 apples? You probably couldn’t eat them all! So, be wise with the use of your juicer. Eat your fruits and vegetables and stay full longer!

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